#because the animals had to be let out and in again and fed
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rhysintherain · 1 year ago
"Didn't start work until 10-12"? Lol tell me you've never had livestock without telling me you've never had livestock.
Milk-producing livestock need to be fed every 12 hours. That means you need to either provide food first thing in the morning and last thing at night, or let them out in the morning and bring them in at night.
You also need to milk them once a day at a consistent time.
That's not including processing milk into shelf-stable products before it spoils.
If we're talking independent (say neolithic or early bronze age) farmers, your biggest expense won't be food, it'll be textiles. Tanning leather, spinning and weaving animal and plant fibers, and repairing existing garments will be a full-time job for several members of your family. This will be most intensive in winter, but will be needed to some extent all year.
Farmed foods require A Lot of prep. Have you ever ground flour by hand? It could take someone 12 hours of labor to go from a unit of grain to a single loaf of bread, depending on the technique and tools available. How about churning butter by hand? Separating cream? Making cheese? Smoking and drying meat? These processes all rely heavily on specific timing, and together would require nonstop attention to get right. If you get them wrong, your family starves.
Any change in climate can threaten your livelihood. You rely on far fewer species than hunter-gatherers did, and if the summer is too hot, or too damp, or you get a midsummer hailstorm, or a grass fire, you lose your food for that winter. The archaeological record has a few striking examples of early farmers who resorted to extreme measures to survive a hard year. It took centuries for us to get to a point where we understood crops and seasons enough to reliably provide for ourselves.
Farming is also 100% a group activity. You cannot subsistence farm alone. Depending on farm size, you need 5-10 full-time working individuals, most of them able-bodied, to work a subsistence farm. If someone dies, they need to be replaced. If your child leaves, it could make your livelihood unsustainable. That's why farming cultures tend to have more kids than urban or hunter-gatherer cultures.
You want to idealise a method of subsistence? Go with coastal hunter-gatherers. There's a reason some places never developed farming, or only adopted it when someone else brought it in (and it's not because they "weren't advanced" enough to figure it out). It's because there was no reason to make yourself solely responsible for the nature when the nature reliably produces what you need on its own.
Don't get me wrong, agriculture was probably necessary for some peoples in some environments. But it's still objectively a bad deal. It makes your food species dependent on your labor, it narrows your effective land base, and it limits your usable species pool. It takes 2-3 times as much work as hunting and gathering in productive environments. It requires more people to do successfully, and it makes you susceptible to all sorts of bullshit that comes along with 'civilisation', like capitalism, feudalism, and serfdom.
did you remember to express gratitude for not having to subsistence farm today?
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plethorawrites · 2 months ago
Can you please write headcanons for other batboys+ Bruce when they turned into a cat like you did for Jason? Thank you ❤️
Absolutely!!! (This is a long one, so settle in!)
Cat Bruce Wayne: Who was attacked by some crazy scientist trying to create mutant animals but instead changed him into a Lynx with giant ears and massive paws.
Cat Bruce Wayne: Who, of course, attempted to micromanage everyone as they tried to help him— walking over the batcomputer and messing up Tim's research, sitting on top on the batmobile when one of the kids tried to take it, knocking things off whatever table he perched on while still trying to feel tall.
Cat Bruce Wayne: Who Alfred tried to calm down but ended up antagonizing further until he started meowing so loudly for so long they were all sick of him.
Cat Bruce Wayne: Who Jason had to carry upstairs since he was the only one big enough to wrap his arms around Bruce, throwing him in his bedroom while he protested (but refused to use his claws) and locking the door.
Cat Bruce Wayne: Who paced back and forth until he heard the door open and saw you walk in, having already been told what was happening, and immediately grumbled, hiding under the bed so you wouldn't have to see him.
Cat Bruce Wayne: Who watched you lay on the floor, staring at him, telling him it was alright and they would figure it out, until he eventually became comfortable enough to come out and sit in front of you, staring at the floor in protest.
Cat Bruce Wayne: Who ears perked up the second he felt your hands run through his fur, petting him and wrapping your arms around him, kissing the top of his head.
Cat Bruce Wayne: Who had to eat deer for dinner and hated it, but was starving so he finished the whole bowl Alfred gave him, still humiliated, even if he was fed with a porcelain bowl.
Cat Bruce Wayne: Who tried sleeping at the foot of your shared bed, curled up in a tight ball, but couldn't get away with it because you hauled him back to the top of the bed, clearly struggling to lift his weight.
Cat Bruce Wayne: Who was hesitant but eventually stretched out, reaching nearly four feet from the tips of his tall ears to the bottom of his paws.
Cat Bruce Wayne: Who let you wrap your arms around his enormous size, scratching his ears while he yawned, bearing his sharp teeth that would terrify nearly anyone except for you.
Cat Bruce Wayne: Who purred like a regular cat, even if he had paws bigger than most dogs did, and used them to knead on the mattress while you cuddled him.
Cat Bruce Wayne: Who licked your face, his tongue tougher than sandpaper and immediately stopped purring, feeling ashamed of himself until you began laughing and kissing his head and cheek again, finding it funny even if it hurt a bit.
Cat Bruce Wayne: Who went back to purring the second he knew you weren't upset or mocking him for his unusual state, and kept doing so until he fell asleep with you holding him.
Cat Bruce Wayne: Who woke up the next morning with his head pressed against your stomach, and his arms wrapped around your waist and immediately nuzzled your warm skin, grateful to be back to his regular self, even if his kids would give him hell at breakfast.
Cat Dick Grayson: Who got turned into a sleek, blue eyed, Siamese cat when one of Raven's spells went wrong and panicked at first when she said she didn't know how to turn him back.
Cat Dick Grayson: Who was incredibly vocal, meowing at his entire team before realizing they couldn't understand anything he said and he wandered off to find you instead because he knew he was utterly useless to them.
Cat Dick Grayson: Who you immediately recognized as him when he showed up at your door, pawing it until you opened it and ran inside, rubbing his head against a picture of the two of you on the kitchen counter.
Cat Dick Grayson: Who was grateful when you didn't seem freaked out about him being a cat and trusted you to take care of him for the time being.
Cat Dick Grayson: Who had no shame when it came to sitting on your lap, or brushing his head against your legs while weaving in and out of them and following you everywhere you go.
Cat Dick Grayson: Who actually found himself enjoying how agile he could be and how stretchy his vertebrae suddenly was, giving him even more flexibility than he was used to.
Cat Dick Grayson: Who pawed at the television every time an ad for a cat toy at PetSmart came up until you caved and bought a laser pointer and electric mouse so he could hunt to keep entertained since there wasn't much to do as a cat.
Cat Dick Grayson: Who chose to perch on your shoulder, even though it was inconvenient for you, because he missed being tall and liked the challenge of balancing on you.
Cat Dick Grayson: Who missed being able to tell you how beautiful you are without his voice coming out a dry croak of appreciation for you, and wanted to hold you instead of having you hold him, but couldn't, so he'd settled for curling up next to you on the couch and in bed, pressing his cold nose to your cheek.
Cat Dick Grayson: Who you're petting while you lay on the couch, watching a movie when you suddenly feel his fur turn back into his soft, slightly wavy hair and look down to his head in your lap.
Cat Dick Grayson: Who sits up and stretches, making his muscles ache before he wraps his arms around you, pulling you into a laying position while you finish the movie.
Cat Dick Grayson: Who can't decide while nuzzling your neck that night, if he wants to chew Raven out or thank her.
Cat Tim Drake: Who was messing around with an ancient artifact getting cataloged in the batcave when he accidentally turned himself into a slim Abyssinian cat with a long tail.
Cat Tim Drake: Who refused to give his family, especially Damian, the satisfaction of seeing him as a cat, and ran off before anyone could find out.
Cat Tim Drake: Who ran to you and scratched at your window to get in, carrying his utility belt in his teeth to show you it was him.
Cat Tim Drake: Who listened to you tease him for a full five minutes before nipping you with his teeth, not to hurt you, even though it did sting a bit, and simply held your hand between his teeth for a few seconds looking up at you in shock over his own actions as if surprised he did it.
Cat Tim Drake: Who you fed roast chicken to when he refused to eat any actual cat food because it looked gross.
Cat Tim Drake: Who ran back and forth from the batcave to your apartment bringing documents to you about the artifact so you could help turn him back.
Cat Tim Drake: Who micromanaged, pacing back and forth on top of the kitchen table while meowing and pawing at papers trying to get you to see the connections he did.
Cat Tim Drake: Who got tired after several hours of work because he didn't have any energy drinks to keep him awake and he knew from listening to Damian yap about animals that cats usually slept like 16 hours a day.
Cat Tim Drake: Who reluctantly curled up in your lap and napped while you continued to work, but bit and tugged at your sweater before he did so you would take it off and cover him in it for extra warmth.
Cat Tim Drake: Who lost all track of time and slept for so many hours he didn't even know what day it was (damn cats had to have different senses of time) when he woke up, finding you hunched over the table, sleeping in a way that was sure to give you an ache in your neck.
Cat Tim Drake: Who woke you up, pawing at your cheek gently and meowing in your ear quietly and saw your eyes flutter open, immediately causing him to start purring when he felt a rush of affection for your willingness to help him.
Cat Tim Drake: Who is sitting on the dining room table when you finally turn into a human again and he's suddenly staring at you with his sweet blue eyes, his legs dangling off the side of the table.
Cat Tim Drake: Who pulls you into the biggest hug, resting his head on your shoulder as he apologizes for making you help him and tells you he loves you for all you do for him.
Cat Tim Drake: Who is so exhausted from being a cat and stressing so much he shed all over your couch that he falls asleep at a reasonable hour for once, clinging to you tightly, humming instead of purring as a way to show his affection.
Cat Tim Drake: Who tries to lie to his family when he gets home, telling them he had spent the weekend with you, but is immediately caught when Bruce pulls up the security footage of him hissing at one of the mice in the batcave before trying to catch it.
(He's like 15-16?)
Cat Damian Wayne: Who is turned into a Bengal with bright green eyes and dark spots by some wizard from another dimension during a fight and runs away shortly after his family gets back to the cave after scruffing him to bring him back.
Cat Damian Wayne: Who knows his family well enough to know he wouldn't get a moment of peace with them poking him and making fun of him for his form while trying to fix him, so he goes to you instead, showing up at school in between your classes.
Cat Damian Wayne: Who jumps in your locker, rubbing his head against the picture of him you keep taped to the back of it and watches your eyes widen in realization as you reach into the locker to pull him out of it, slipping the rest of your classes to take him home.
Cat Damian Wayne: Who grumbles slightly when you shove him under your coat to sneak him past your parents, and to your room, but relaxes once he gets there, being dropped on your bed and immediately turning in circles before laying down for the first bit of calm he's had all day.
Cat Damian Wayne: Who kind of enjoys watching you pace and panic more than him, because in a weird way it's nice to know you care so much.
Cat Damian Wayne: Who already knows so much about cats that becoming one is a piece of cake, and he can pretty much control his feline self as best he would his normal self....aside from occasionally purring when he doesn't want to.
Cat Damian Wayne: Who jumps on your desk as you fret, bumping his head against your hand to get you to look at him instead of worrying and meows softly as an attempt to comfort you.
Cat Damian Wayne: Who allows himself to be pulled into your lap if that's what you need and doesn't try to escape, even though he easily could, because you are, he'll admit, pretty warm and soft and you smell quite good.
Cat Damian Wayne: Who hides under your bed when your parents come up to check on you when you choose to eat dinner in your room and share your steamed veggies with him because you know he doesn't eat meat, even as a cat.
Cat Damian Wayne: Who doesn't want to go home to face his family's ridicule so sleeps in your bed, maintaining a respectable distance... until he gets sick of sleeping at the foot of your bed and having you accidentally kick him. Then he moves to lay by your head on your pillow.
Cat Damian Wayne: Who jumps in your bag the next day, desperate to not stay here or go home and after some sad, pathetic meowing (that he'd lie about making if you ever brought it up) you allowed it.
Cat Damian Wayne: Who is so predictable that his family knew he'd be with you and sent Dick to wait outside the school after your classes were over because they found a way to fix him.
Cat Damian Wayne: Who scratches his brother when he tries to take him and has to be carried back to the cave by you instead.
Cat Damian Wayne: Who hears exactly one joke out of Timothy before his father gives him a glare that shuts him up, suggesting they had a conversation before about not doing that when he came back.
Cat Damian Wayne: Who finally turns back into himself again and the first words out of his mouth are "I handled the situation better than you did, Drake." Shortly followed by a quietly mumbled "Thank you, for taking care of me." In your direction.
Cat Damian Wayne: Who watches you shrug and act like it's no big deal but can see the blush creep onto your cheeks and walks you out, giving you a proper kiss once away from his family.
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beloveds-embrace · 3 months ago
(When you died suddenly, Simon wasn’t the only who mourned you)
The house was eerily quiet now.
Simon sat at the edge of your shared bed, his head in his hands, fingers tangled in his short hair. His mask lay discarded on the nightstand, and for once, it wasn’t shielding him- it was just another thing you wouldn’t tease him about. Not anymore.
Your scent still lingered faintly in the room. It clung to the blanket you always wrapped yourself in on cold nights after pushing him away because his toes were too cold on your skin, to the hoodie you wore when you fed the cat at dawn. Simon had tried to avoid those reminders, tried to stay out of the bedroom entirely, but it was impossible.
Everywhere he turned, you were there.
And so was the cat.
The creature you’d found under a car during a rainstorm last year- skinny, drenched, and hissing at the world that had abandoned it- had never liked him much. It was your cat, after all. You were the one who had carried it home, coaxed it to eat, and won its trust with the same patience and soft words you cracked Simon’s walls with. He’d accepted the animal because it made you happy, even if it always gave him a disdainful glare before curling up in your lap and never let him go near it without hissing.
But now, the cat was lost too.
Simon glanced down. The black-and-white cat stood at his feet, looking up at him with wide, confused eyes. She let out another small, plaintive cry, and Simon’s chest tightened. He hadn’t cried since the accident- hadn’t let himself, even when they’d lowered your coffin and your parents had hugged him, told him he is still their son, but the sight of the cat pacing the house, searching for you, broke something in him.
“She’s not coming back,” he murmured, his voice rough and uneven. The words tasted bitter, and saying them aloud made them feel real in a way he wasn’t ready for.
You weren’t coming back.
The cat didn’t understand, of course. She jumped onto the bed and pawed at the blanket, kneading the fabric before curling up where you used to sleep. It meowed again, softer this time, and Simon felt his throat close up.
Why does it sound like she’s crying “Mom”-
“Don’t look at me like that,” he whispered, his hand trembling as he reached out. The cat flinched but didn’t run, and after a moment, she allowed him to rest his large hand against her small frame. Her fur was warm beneath his fingers, a living reminder of you.
She nuzzled against his hand with another sad meow, something she had never done before, and Simon’s breath hitched.
“You… miss her too, don’t you?” he said, voice breaking. He swallowed hard, but it was no use. The tears slowly spilled down, and yet he had no energy to wipe them away.
What was he to do in a world bereft of you?
The cat meowed softly, curling closer to him, as if she understood.
Maybe she did. Both of them were now robbed of the one person that made their lives feel warm.
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fir3flytv · 10 months ago
JASON TODD didn't want a dog. He lived in an apartment with you, with one bedroom, a tiny kitchen and a living room that looked like the furniture decorated in it would fall apart at any moment.
But one day, he comes home to you, sleeping in your bed with a little bull mastiff puppy on his side of the bed. He stares at the dog for a few moments, before going to take off his Red Hood outfit, as though that would make the situation disappear. When he comes back, the dog was still there. Of course.
Gently, Jason shakes you awake, giving you a pointed look. "Got anything you want to share with me, babe?" He asks, eyes trailing down to the dog, still asleep on the bed. A sheepish smile crosses your face. "I can explain?" You say, though it comes out more like a question. "I was volunteering at the animal shelter and found him. He didn't like being with the other dogs in cage but they didn't have enough space to isolate him." "So you thought the best plan was to bring home a dog that can grow to be 150 pounds?" I scoffs lightly. "No, no! I'm fostering him. Just for a little bit," You say quickly. "I thought since he's still a puppy he would be adopted quickly, right? So we won't have to make space for when he gets that big." Jason lets out a soft sigh and pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead before speaking again. "You're too good," He murmurs softly. You smile up at him and return the kiss onto his cheek. After a few moments, Jason clears his throat and looks down at the puppy, still sprawled out onto his side of the bed. "So where am I going to sleep?" ... JASON TODD sucks at being a foster. He's terrible, horrible, even. If you were to look up 'How to not foster a dog', they would just show his face. It wasn't that he neglected the dog. He could never. He took him out on runs, fed him good food, washed him, played with him. Everything a dog owner could do. No, the reason Jason was so bad was because his first ever foster dog turned out to be a foster failure. Every time someone came by interested in adopting the puppy, Jason would be in your ear, whispering to you that it didn't seem like they knew what they were doing, or that the puppy wouldn't like living with them. Every. Single. Time.
It wasn't till the three month mark of fostering the pup, having moved to a more spacious apartment, that Jason popped the question.
"You know," He starts suddenly while the two of you were on the couch, eating Chinese take out with the dog resting on the floor nearby. "No one here seems to be right for Buster." Buster, his name for the dog. He's used it so much he actually started responding to it. "There's someone, I'm sure," You counter, taking a bite of your food. "I know there is," Jason counters. Just as you open your mouth to tell him that makes no sense, he cuts you off. "Us. We're right for Buster." "Think," He says, reaching out to grip your hand. "For three months, we've had him, we've moved with him. He has his spot in the bed, we've worked him into our schedule. He's happy. Why ruin that?" "So you want to adopt him?" You ask, making sure you understood just exactly what he was saying. It felt too good to be true. "Yeah, I do," He says with a small smile. As soon as he finishes speaking you practically lung at him, tackling him into a hug while whispering small 'thank you's. The action makes Buster jump up and want to join in on whatever is going on, leaping onto the couch and sniffing at the two of you, his massive head bumping you both. In that moment, Jason knew he made the right choice. This felt right. It felt good. It felt like home. You, him, and your giant dog.
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irisintheafterglow · 2 months ago
touya todoroki completes community service hours at an aquarium.
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your supervisors, understandably, were adamantly against having the convicted criminal anywhere near the facility, its staff, and its animals. however, after being reassured time and time again that he wouldn't be working in public areas, you were assigned to be his unofficial parole officer (or off-fish-er you called it) because of your hydrokinetic quirk. not only were you responsible for watching a criminal, you were also the first line of defense in case he decided to make the facility into a seafood boil.
you'd better be getting a stellar letter of recommendation after all this.
as luck would have it, word spread quickly among aquarium staff about the new volunteer and his...messy...history. you received many texts wishing you good luck and stating that you're in many people's prayers as if working with him would be a death sentence. but, to your surprise, your first day with touya is actually...not terrible.
"you're doing a nice job. you can cut them into larger chunks if you want," you recommend kindly as he slices pieces of shrimp and fish for the penguins and drops them into the gray bucket.
"don't want them to choke," he mumbles almost imperceptibly. from what you've heard about him, touya was physically incapable of shutting up and always had some snarky insult to mutter under his breath. the man you were working with, however, kept his thoughts to himself and only engaged you with curt acknowledgments of tasks. "these got bones in 'em still?"
"digestible ones, yeah," you confirm, a little confused about why he's so curious. he struck you as the type of guy to just work and finish his assignments with as little energy exertion as possible. but here he was, concerned for the animals' safety even when he hadn't even seen them yet. "we just need to cut them up because some of them try to swallow the big ones whole, and we don't need them blocking their throats."
"how many are there?"
"the penguins?" he hums in assent, never taking his eyes off the precise cuts on the food. "i think our colony is a few dozen, maybe twenty-two?"
"do they get along well?"
"some of them are a little feistier than others," you admit with a fond smile. "but the majority of them are really sweet. you'll see when you meet them."
"meet them?"
"you're not walking out with me, of course," you quickly correct. "my shift lead's gonna have my head on a stake if you so much as show a finger to the public." he nods, an odd sort of quiet falling between you two that was more awkward than the previous silence. if you knew any better, you would interpret his expression for disappointment. "there's one recovering from an illness backstage named peach. she gets fed on her own, but if there's some left over i can take you over there to feed her."
"it's fine. don't wanna bother your routine," he mutters with a shrug, but you catch the renewed glint in his eyes at the prospect of meeting one of the animals personally. after feeding the main colony and not-so-accidentally leaving a few treats at the bottom of the bucket, touya follows you through the back halls of the vet center to peach's holding area.
"be warned, she's one of the feisty ones," you caution him, carefully stepping into the plexiglass-enclosed space. he copies your motions exactly and you're surprised, again, from the great care he seems to take when interacting with the small penguin. "so, all you need to do is hand out the fish to her and let her take it in her beak."
"does she dislike new people?" he asks as peach aggressively inspects his shins, prodding them with her beak when touya tries to step away. "i don't think she likes me."
"it's the opposite, believe it or not; you're making her angry when you try to give her space like that," you reply with a stifled laugh.
"oh. i see." peach continues to slap touya with her fins and poke him until he gives her what she wants, a large chunk of fish straight from his hand. you kneel down next to him when he has a seat on the floor, his eyes curiously observing the spunky bird. "she always this sassy with you?"
"only when she gets jealous," you smile, running your hand over the top of her head. her eyes close in contentment before returning to touya's outstretched food offering. "what do you think?"
"about what?"
"do you think this arrangement is gonna be a nightmare for you?" he pauses and, for the millionth time that day, surprises you with how much thought he put into his actions.
"if everyone i meet is as easy as you and her," he says, gesturing to peach but speaking soft enough to make your cheeks heat, "i think i'll get by."
"peach duty today?"
"schedule got mixed around, so we'll be giving her dinner instead of lunch today," you reply and touya hums at your side, an answer that could be considered rude if you didn't already know he was a man of few words.
few words, that is, if he was speaking to anyone other than the animals. after a month of touya shadowing you, you could pick up on the little conversations he had with the different animals he took care of: asking the cownose rays to calm down during feeding time, warning the reef sharks that they might need braces if they keep losing so many teeth (he kept forgetting it was normal for them to lose that many teeth), quietly cheering on the day octopus as he breaks into a jar full of crabs.
"who've we got today?"
"took a hell of a lotta convincing, but my boss is letting you meet my best friend today," you inform him. touya walks in step beside you like he'd memorized the fishy-smelling back halls of the aquarium, barely sparing passing wary staff so much as a glance. you'd be intimidated, too, if he wasn't your partner; he was formidable in his favorite blue windbreaker with his hands stuffed casually in its pockets that subtly accented the lean muscle in his arms. not that you were paying much attention to his body, anyway.
"and who would that be?"
"her name is donna, but i call her mama donna." he follows you down a corridor he'd never taken before, toward the very back of the medical wing. "take that hall on the right and change into a wetsuit; i'll meet you back over here, okay?"
"why do i need to change?"
"well, because you're getting in the water with me."
it's the first time touya hesitates in a long time when you beckon him to join you in the shallow pool. you'd already summoned donna, who was much larger of an animal than he expected. you said she was an adult zebra shark, but all he could register is the tiny tank of brown sacks the size of his hand just outside the walls of the pool.
"i don't think it's the best--"
"get in the water, touya, or i'm gonna report you for insubordination," you interrupt, waist-deep in the water. you don't mean it, of course, but you did need a hand with donna if you were going to check on the status of her eggs.
"i shouldn't be in the water with her, 'specially if she's a mother."
"what, you got something against moms?" he flinches and you suddenly regret speaking so brashly, something about his reaction indicating that you'd hit a nerve. "sorry, that was insensitive--"
"i don't wanna hurt her if i..." his voice trails off and he looks down at his scarred hands, the tissue dark enough to almost match the color of his wetsuit. "it's better for everyone if i don't get close to her if she's vulnerable." you wait for him to look you dead in the eyes before answering.
"i wouldn't bring you to meet her if i didn't think you were ready, touya," you begin gently. "i don't think of you the same way as the rest of the staff because you've proven that you're different from the gossip."
"but what if i--"
"did you forget why i'm paired with you in the first place?" donna swims around you impatiently, nudging you with her nose while you continue to convince touya to get in the water. "i'm the only one on staff that can neutralize you, but i know i won't need to."
"how are you so sure?"
"because i hear you talk to them," you state simply, rubbing your hand on donna's nose as her tail splashes your upper body. "your little conversations tell me you care, even if i'm not allowed to be a part of them." you shoot him a wry smile and he finally scoffs, partly a chuckle and partly an exhale; he didn't realize he'd been holding his breath. "i'll drown you if you heat this water by even half a degree, so help me with donna and then we can go visit peach, yeah?"
you'd fallen into an unexpectedly fond partnership over the course of your six months of touya-duty. he was a pretty damn good listener, letting you boss him this way and that and only retaliating with a lighthearted eyeroll. on certain occasions, he would open up about his history, and you followed along intently. he insisted on doing the heavy lifting and opening every door for you, even if you weren't carrying anything. he remembered every animal by name and could tell apart the most similar looking creatures, pointing out their differences with an expression that screamed 'is it not obvious?' towards the end of his assignment, you both faced an unexpected surprise.
his family came to visit.
well, not all of his family, only the ones touya maintained somewhat of a relationship with. in the times he'd opened up, he briefly mentioned his now-graduated little brother, shoto, and the work he'd done to mend the tears between him, his mother, and his other siblings. you consider it a blessing that only his mother and siblings appear when you round the corner to the 'vip only' waiting area (from your talks, you'd also learned it'd be on sight if touya's retired father stepped on the property). he freezes when he sees his family as the guests who would be shadowing him, becoming uncharacteristically stiff as petrified wood.
"welcome, todoroki family. i'm so glad you could join us today," you greet with a polite smile. only when your hand gently settles on touya's shoulder, the reminder of your presence melting the chill in his veins, does the tension in his body dissipate. "touya? d'you wanna introduce me to your family?" he glances at you, your unwavering trust in him, and his eyes soften as he nods.
"yeah," he affirms quietly. "yeah, i can do that."
"doing great, partner," you whisper once you're acquainted with the family and on the move, heading toward the back halls of the tropical gallery. "i'll only talk if you need me to, today, because i want this to be about you and them."
"but you're not gonna leave me, right?"
"wouldn't dream of it," you reassure him, something in your heart stumbling when he gives you an easy smile. as the day goes on and touya guides his family through the back corridors of the facility, he's able to ramble about all the knowledge he'd acquired while working with you. at each exhibit, he points out every species with total accuracy and shares his favorite quirks about certain animals. you have a front-row seat for the way his eyes, usually so molten and intense, have a star-like quality to them when he talks about his new friends, the abalone and the otters and the sea bass. his family observes him in awe, and you catch his mother watching you watch him several times. touya ends the day by introducing peach, his self-proclaimed 'number one girl,' and helping his family with her nightly feeding. though all the todoroki siblings struck you as reserved when you first met them, their conversations were full of life as they walked ahead and you trailed behind with his mother.
"this suits him," rei states with a thoughtful smile.
"i'm biased, but i agree," you reply. she fixes you again with that curious stare, analyzing you. "do i have fish scales on my face?" she laughs and shakes her head.
"no, i'm just indebted to you for getting through to him." you blink, taken aback by her genuine response. "being with you makes him happy. i haven't seen him like this in a long while." she turns back to her children, walking in one raucous group and making plans to get dinner after his shift. "he doesn't talk with them like this often."
"i imagine it's all a mother would want after everything they've been through, if i may," you add and she hums in agreement.
"it is. it's also why, i hope you wouldn't mind," she trails off and her eyebrows pinch slightly, like she's thinking of something worrisome. "if he could stay here."
"of course. i've noticed that he has a knack for husbandry, so--"
"he wants to stay with you," she cuts in, her voice soft as powdered snow. "and i'd like him to stay with you, if it means we can see him more like--"
"this," you finish for her, gesturing to the pile of adult men wrestling each other just ahead, their sister shaking her head from afar. rei sighs, her smile turning sad.
"exactly." before you can give her your reply, touya has escaped his brothers and approached to steal you from his mother.
"if you take those double doors and turn left, you'll end up in the gift shop. wait there and we can get dinner once i'm off," he tells rei, taking her hand and squeezing it once. "i won't be long." she nods and joins her other children, leaving you alone with touya in front of the staff-only window of the sea lion pool. the fading afternoon light catches in the water's rippling and sends a soft beam of light across the cavern. the largest of the lions, boris, floats from below to observe you and touya standing in front of his tank.
"he moves like a slinky," touya states and you can't help but laugh.
"he does move like a slinky, you're right." you turn to him and find he's already looking back at you, not boris. "i loved meeting your family today," you offer in the silence that makes the heartbeat in your ears sound so much louder. "they're very sweet, especially your mother."
"what were you two talking about while we were away?"
"she wanted to show me baby photos," you tease and he gives his signature eyeroll. "but really," you inhale and steady yourself, "she was saying how much this suits you."
"i'd have to agree," he murmurs, his eyes glowing like dying embers. you're close enough to smell him, smoky and rich and only the slightest bit like fish. the proximity feels comforting, like home. "if...if you'd let me--"
"stay with me," you blurt. he blinks at you, the rosy color on the tips of his ears standing out against the bright white. "i-i want you to stay with me." you wait and the quiet stews, nothing moving except slinky-like boris in the water beside you. touya's reply is barely above a whisper.
"i want to stay with you." you release a shaky exhale and let your head fall forward against his chest, steadied by his arms securing themselves around your waist. your hands slide over his shoulders and rest at the nape of his neck, fiddling with the tuft of hair at its base. "please let me stay with you," he breathes in your ear. his arms flex as his grip tightens, like you'd turn to water if he held you too loosely. touya feels like his heart is rattling in his ribcage, bouncing around uncontrollably the longer he has you in his arms. he hasn't felt his chest ache like this before.
"yes, i want you to stay with me," you confirm and he melts into you, breathing you in like fresh oxygen.
"for how long?"
"as long as you'd let me," you answer honestly. the corner of his mouth turns upward in a teasing smirk.
"and if i said forever?"
"then i guess i'd have to oblige," you beam. your hands cup his face, tracing the seam of his scars, and your eyes flutter shut as his lips meet yours. it's careful, the first time he kisses you, and he's terrified you'd slip from his fingers. but you don't disappear, so he lets himself lace your fingers with his and drag you out to the rest of his loved ones, hand-in-hand and finally feeling like he can do something good.
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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loveandmurders · 8 months ago
Imagine Michael Myers ruined your life. He killed your boyfriend and your friends because you were at the wrong place at the wrong time. You have been able to run away just in time, but he left scars on your body.
You couldn't stop watching them and you couldn't stop thinking about him. You used to be such a normal and mentally stable person, but then... You grew obsessed with revenge. You were a wounded animal desiring to wound in return.
So you started to plan out how you were going to kill the big and frightening Shape.
Imagine you completely change your basement for it to become the most perfect prison. You could easily tie someone there, and you could even more easily kill them without anyone to hear anything about it.
Transforming your basement was the easy part, then you needed to get Michael Myers out of the asylum and to trap him there. But you were smart, ressourceful and ready to murder him and to be covered in his blood.
You did get him out of the asylum by briding a few guards and nurses. You patiently waited for him to go back to his house, where you were waiting for him. Gosh, waiting was driving you even crazier.
Imagine taking Michael Myers by surprise; you shot him and hit him on the head. No matter how strong he was, he collapsed. You painfully pulled him to your car and brought him to your home. Whenever people heard Michael was out of his cell, they were hiding so it was easy for you to go unnoticed.
You were quick to bring him to your basement, not caring about the way his head was hitting one step after the other, or the way his shooting wound was staining his clothes. You were quick to tie him down with chains even an elephant couldn't tear apart.
And then you waited again. You wanted for the man to see your face before hurting him and killing him. You needed him to know who was hitting him.
Imagine Michael waking up in your basement, half confused of what was going on. He quickly understood he wasn't back at the asylum. He had no idea who you were, not that he cared. He simply wanted to kill you, to dismantle you and to forget about you. He didn't show his surprise when he couldn't break free from his chains.
"I'm gonna kill you so slowly" you darkly promised him and it made him completely freeze. He recognised your cold anger. You started to interest him.
You didn't try to guess what he was thinking; no one could understand him anyways. You just wanted him to suffer. You tried to make him scream, but you could slice his skin, burn him, break his fingers... and yet he wouldn't show anything.
Imagine getting so angry, you had to leave the room. You didnt want to kill without him to experience true pain and you wanted proof he was in pain.
It was then he hit you. Physically hurting him was useless. You needed to play with something so deep inside of him, that it would break him. You needed him to fall in love with you and then to put him back into the asylum, so far away from you, driving him insane.
You read about Stockholm Syndrome a lot. You fed Michael, you took care of his wounds, and then you would let him rot for a few days alone downstaires. You were alterning between abuse and some sort of "tenderness".
You were patient and it started to pay off. Whenever you were coming downstairs, Michael was instantly trying to get free of his chains, but not to escape, just to touch you. He couldn't think, all he knew was that he needed you more than oxygen. When you were around, he was behaving like a dangerous puppy trying to please you. When you were punishing him and leaving him alone in the dark, you were only feeding his obsession of you.
Imagine one night, you got a little bit tired and hence not being as careful as you should have been around a monster like Michael. You have come too close to him and you haven't moved quick enough. He caught your wrist and easily made you fall on his lap. You found yourself straddling him. You tried to move from him but his big hands were around your waist, keeping you close.
He had never wanted to kiss or to pleasure someone before, but he would be on his knees in between your legs if only you had wanted it. Him. He took in your scent and nuzzled in your neck as his hands softly slipped under your top so he could feel how soft and warm your skin were.
"Michael" you warned him and he froze "Let me go, or I'll be very mad"
Imagine the most dangerous of killers, twice your size and three time your strenght, letting you go. You saw the shadow of a pout on his face. He was so disappointed. Everything felt so cold without you.
You quickly went upstairs, not caring about the wounded grunts echoing in the basement as Michael was desesperate to watch you go. It was then you understood he was ready. He was ready to be put back in the asylum, far far away from you.
You went to work and when the night came, you joined Michael with some meal. You watched him eat and drink his water. You praised him before settling on his lap on your own accord, but you forbidad him from touching you. And even if he was struggling he obeyed as you moved closer. You didn't really know why but you kissed him, and he instantly - and yet a little bit clumsily - replied to it.
"You're gonna be a good boy to me and you're gonna have a little walk near by your house, okay?" you told him. Michael didn't understand why you would ask him to go "But then you come back. I want to see if I can trust you without those chains" you explained to him and he nodded.
Imagine playing with fire and removing his chains. He didn't care about the bruises littering his wrists and ankles. He only wanted to touch you. He had been love and touch starved his whole existence, and if his lack of empathy helped him to pretend it was alright, now he was in need of you. You allowed him to roam your body and to squeeze your flesh with want.
Soon enough you asked him to go and he reluctantly obeyed. He left your house with the only desire to come back to you. But before, he knew he had to obey to you like he used to obey his mother. He went near his former home - because his home was now you. You called the police on him.
He fought like a lion, but there were too many cops and doctors, even for him. He got shot with sedative. Next time he opened his eyes, he was back to his cell in the asylum. And he quickly lost it. Doctors had to intervene, to sedate him again and to tie him up to his bed as he was destroying everything around.
Dr. Loomis had no idea why the usually quiet man, was getting so out of himself. Nothing could calm down Michael, who was absolutely going even more insane the more time he was being away from you. He couldn't stand a world without your warmth and presence. You were a drug, the only thing he ever desired, the only thing that made him feel something.
Imagine missing the flash news about Michael Myers escaping the asylum, as you were asleep on your couch.
Imagine waking up to your front door being torn apart. You ran to your kitchen, grabbed a sharp knife and was ready to dialled 911 when you saw Michael coming into view.
He took a few more steps before kneeling down in front of you, showing you he was no threat to you, and more importantly that he was all yours.
"Oh. You came back home" you whispered to yourself as he wrapped his arms around your mid section.
He was indeed back home.
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nottivagos · 15 days ago
notti's nightly thoughts (18+)
an: subby vampire!charles. yes. poorly written french also because i have limited knowledge of the language </3
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“please, ma chérie,” charles groaned as he nuzzled into your neck, nose grazing the skin, feeling your raging pulse underneath. “one little bite, please,” he pathetically whispered huskily, already drunk and utterly hopeless on the thought of feeding you.
charles was needy. he always was. he whined and whimpered like a starved vampire who'd never had the privilege of feeding on a human when it came to your blood. he couldn't help it. the first time he fed from you he was hooked. badly, too.
the crimson you shed was like a drug to charles. it's richness on the tongue to its sweet, unique taste which his taste buds had the honour of tasting had him infatuated. desperate to suckle every drop from your neck hungrily and messily. the excitement of the feed mixed with his other pleasures. he whined pathetically as he rutted slightly on your thigh, already enveloping your whole body in the process, his hardness becoming increasingly evident as he craved the stimulation along with the food you sourced him so freely.
“can i feed from you now?” he pleaded, hands clawing the pillows as he hovered above you, “tell me i can feed from you now, please,” charles whispered again, “i need to taste you.”
charles was in torture. he drooled as he came to nip at your sensitive skin, his pearly white fangs grazing impatiently. he groaned as he got a small taste from the miniature cuts, tongue swiping across the wounds ravenously as he let the blood congeal with his saliva.
“charles,” you gasped, goosebumps forming on your skin in his fangs wake as he whimpered in response. “you need to wait,” you mumbled, coming to cup his face away from your neck so you could look into his wide eyes.
“but you told me i could,” he protested, green eyes glimmering and pleading above you. “let me feed, please,” charles whispered against your lips, pecking them sweetly, “it won't take long, promise. just one taste, please.”
you sighed in response. brushing a loving thumb across his cheekbone, your gaze softened at the tortured vampire above you. “fine,” you groaned, caving in as he looked at you with those pathetic eyes. “but only a small bite,” you warned, ending it with another small peck on his lips.
that was the green light charles needed. his fangs dug deep into your nape, feeling the surging pulse and rush of your blood on his tongue. you gasped in response to his abruptness, before he groaned lowly, gulping the blood flooding into his mouth like a starved animal.
he felt himself teetering on the edge of vampiric ecstacy. the sweet scent of your pheromones mixed with the taste of your overflowing blood he continued to slurp as it dribbled messily down his chin mixed with his spit was intoxicating. charles clawed the pillows below you even more monstrously, the intensity of his grasp nearly ripping the fabric as he began to rut again.
you shuddered upon impact. there was something about having your life sucked out of you by your vampire lover which was so miraculously hot. becoming his sole blood supply was an honour, a life-long bond which made you his for life, and that thought turned you on.
a guttural groan escaped charles’s lips as he rutted hopelessly and erratically, feeling his boxers become sticky as he came pathetically. he whined after a few moments, removing his mouth reluctantly from your neck, swiping his tongue against the newest wound he'd made as a loving gesture whilst you panted.
“happy now, huh?” you asked, panting as you came to cup his face again, before grabbing a couple of tissues from the side table and wiping his face clean of the blood dripping down his neck from his chin. “you're such a messy vampire, charles,” you muttered with a small shake of your head.
“very.” charles responded with a happy grin, “thank you, amour,” he added humming contently, flopping on top of your body, nuzzling his face happily into the less sore side of your neck, peppering it in loving kisses, uncaring about the mess in his boxers. <3
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darlingdaisyfarm · 1 month ago
I remember on ao3 you mentioned you wanted to post Stan and Ford reacting to readers death, I wanted to ask if you could share it please?<3
grief wears your name | Stan and Ford react to reader's death
Grief hits everyone differently and the Pines family is no exception. Old men arent supposed to outlive you
a/n: certainly! thank u for reminding me, tw: death
you'd think that a man who’s been through as much as Stan Pines would’ve learned how to process grief by now. but the thing about Stan is, he doesn’t process it, not really. he pushes it down so deep that even he forgets it’s there, until it sneaks up and slams him flat on his ass.
fuck that, fuck everything, fuck this world
hell, he wasn’t supposed to outlive you. not you. not with all the shit he’d done to his body over the years, the cigarettes, the cheap booze, the sleepless nights every time he looked in the mirror. it was supposed to be him first. the old man with bad habits and a lifetime of regrets weighing him down. that was the deal, wasn’t it? you're too young, bright, stubborn, alive, you were supposed to outlast him. supposed to be there when his time came, rolling your eyes at his dramatics and holding his hand as he went. that’s how it was supposed to go, fucking fuck
he got the call from someone he didn’t recognize. a voice muttered words he couldn’t make sense of. your name. your fucking name. his ears rang, his head spun and his fingers gripped the receiver tightly
“what the fuck do you mean, gone?” the person on the other end tried to explain, but Stanley slammed the phone back onto the hook before they could finish. no. no.
you couldn’t be gone.
he saw you last week. he watched you smile at him across the counter, teasing him about his fez like you always did. he swore you winked at him before you left.
and now you were just. . . what? erased from existence?
grief had a way of making him ugly, uglier than he already saw himself. his hands shook as if he’d been drinking all night, but the bottle on the table was full and untouched. even the burn of whiskey couldn’t numb this, so what was the point?
Stanley thought about the kitten he’d brought home when he was ten. it was starving, ribs like piano keys beneath its dirty fur, the meows little animal let out were so pitiful. he'd sworn he’d take care of it, even made a little bed out of an old shoebox and named it tiger. he fed it milk behind his dad's back. tiger died three days later.
Stan felt useless, he couldn’t save anyone.
Stan hasn’t touched the fez since you died. it’s sitting there on the bedside table, gathering dust. you used to steal it all the time, yanking it off his head with a grin. “this thing’s ridiculous, Stan,” you’d tease, shoving it onto your head crookedly. “i’m the boss of scam now. bow to me.” and he always played along, rolling his eyes, calling you a pain in the ass, but you only laughed at that. that laughter was gone.
when Mabel asked him about you last night, he had to get up and leave the room because he wasn't ready for that. she was just a kid, trying to understand why the world was so unfair and he couldn’t give her an answer because he didn’t have one.
“grunkle Stan? do you think. . . do you think they’re still watching over us?” how could he tell her he didn’t believe in anything like that anymore? that you were just gone, snuffed out, like you’d never been here at all?
Mabel’s curled in his lap like she’s five again, clutching her sweater-covered arms around her knees, her face a swollen mess of tears and hiccupping sobs. her little voice is hoarse from crying and she tries to explain, through broken words, about the stupid sweater she’d been knitting for you. she just finished it. it was supposed to be a surprise. she was going to give it to you tomorrow.
Stan wraps his arms around her, calls her “pumpkin” in the softest voice he can manage, but it trembles. he squeezes his eyes shut so hard it makes his head hurt, he hopes if he can just keep them closed tight enough, none of this will be real. but it is. it fucking is. and he doesn’t know how to tell a twelve-year-old that the world is this fucking cruel. he doesn’t know how to admit he feels like that little boy again, the one with a kitten dying in his hands and nothing he could do to stop it.
he buries his face in Mabel’s brown hair and mutters some useless lie about how “it’s gonna be okay”
Mabel's face against his chest as she sobbed. Stan held her tighter.
“i made them a sweater, grunkle Stan. i-it’s pink with little stars and they- they said they'd wear it when it got cold,” her sobs swallowed the rest.
what could he say to that? what the hell could anyone say? “they loved your sweaters, kiddo. you know they did.” he wanted to picture you in that dumb pink sweater, smiling like you always did when you wanted to make Mabel feel special. but all he could see was you gone. gone. and nothing he could do would change it
when he got the news about you, his meticulously constructed walls crumbled in an instant.
he sat at his desk, the journal open in front of him, its pages blurred by the tears he didn’t realize were falling. his hands shook as he gripped the pen, but the words just wouldn’t come.
he’d been taught from an early age that emotions were illogical. when he was younger, his father had told him to “quit being such a baby” after Ford cried over a broken model ship. that lesson had stuck
he locked himself in his study, the same place he’d last seen you. everything was still exactly where it had been. the chair you’d sat in. the pen you’d picked up and fiddled with while listening to him ramble. he’d always been embarrassed by how much he talked around you, because words came so easily when you were there.
the guilt was eating him from inside
was it his fault?
had he been too focused on his work, too distracted to notice that something was wrong? had he missed a chance to save you?
he needed answers. needed to know. what had happened? why had it happened?
he buried himself in research, poring over every detail of the accident or the incident, as he came to call it. his obsession grew, consuming him. he didn’t sleep. didn’t eat.
Stan found him one night, hunched over the desk, muttering to himself about alternate dimensions and cosmic energy. “Ford, this isn’t gonna bring them back.”
Ford didn’t respond because Stan was wrong.
Ford wasn’t trying to bring you back. he was trying to rewrite the universe so you’d never been gone in the first place
Dipper tries to talk to him one day, pulling at the hem of his vest clumsily. “grunkle Ford, is it okay to miss someone this much? like. . .this much that it hurts? my chest hurts.”
Stanford doesn’t know how to answer that. he doesn’t know how to explain the way grief wraps itself around your lungs and makes it impossible to breathe. “it is, Mason, it means they mattered.”
Dipper doesn’t see how Ford presses his hands to his temples when he leaves.
Ford’s always been good at pretending he’s fine.
Ford’s grief was quieter, but no less consuming. the guilt, the helplessness, the horrible emptiness that stretched wider every time he thought about how he’d failed to protect you.
he couldn’t stop thinking about all the times you’d parodied him, mimicking the way he pushed his glasses up his nose or how he’d say “actually” before correcting someone. “actually, Stanford Pines, you’re so predictable,” you’d giggle, tapping the bridge of your nose in a mocking gesture
you used to drive him insane with it, in good way. his face would flush, his words would stumble, and he’d act all huffy while secretly loving every second. he never told you how much he adored the way you made fun of him
he found one of your notebooks the other day. it was tucked under a pile of his old research papers, pages scrawled with your handwriting. you’d doodled little caricatures of him in the margins, stick-figure versions of Ford with six fingers and exaggerated glasses, accompanied by sarcastic captions like, “the nerdiest but prettiest man i ever knew”
he stared at those drawings until his vision blurred from tears. then he shoved the notebook in a drawer and locked it.
Ford disappears the next morning.
he knows it’s selfish, leaving Stan and the kids to deal with all of this without him, a part of family, but he can’t be in that house another second. the walls are suffocating. so he grabbed his coat, your coat, the one you used to borrow when you’d say his was warmer and walked, his feet already knew where they’re going.
the woods. the same path you always loved, where the sunlight filtered through the trees beautifully, where you used to point out birds or mushrooms or anything that caught your curious eye. you’d tug on his sleeve to make him stop and look. and god, you were so beautiful when you smiled at him like that. Ford adored you.
Ford doesn’t remember sitting down in the clearing where you used to spend time together, his knees in the dirt, fists clenched in the grass. he hadn’t cried when he found out, hadn’t even let himself feel it because there were too many faces looking at him like he was supposed to have answers. now there’s nothing but the woods, only memory of you and the sound of his own ragged breathing breaking into loud sobs
Ford cries like a child. raw, aching grief pouring out of him in waves, making his glasses fog up, slipping down his nose and he doesn’t bother fixing them. his body doesn’t know how to process this kind of pain. his hands too busy clawing at the ground, hoping he could dig deep enough to find you again.
Ford Pines, the man who always thought he could think his way out of anything, is completely unmade.
he doesn’t know how long he sits there, crumpled against the base of a tree. his hands tremble as he takes the notebook out of his coat pocket, the one he used to write down little things you’d say or do that he didn’t want to forget. he flips through it now, pages ruined with his tears and it hurts worse than anything else. your handwriting’s there, little notes you’d leave for him.
“don’t forget your glasses!”
“your hair looks cute today <3”
“i love you, Ford.”
he shuts the notebook and presses it to his chest, it's the only part of you he has left.
the stars above didn’t care. the trees didn’t care. the world kept turning, indifferent to the fact that you’d been torn from it.
and Ford was left there in the cold void, feeling smaller than he ever had in his life.
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jeonsbabygirlsworld · 1 year ago
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SUMMARY: You feel really insecure these days after giving birth to your second daughter but for your sake Jungkook is there to tell you on how pretty you are.
PAIRINGS: established relationship Jungkook X Reader.
WARNINGS: reader is insecure about her body, Koo coming to rescue her, Dad kook :(. Bam is there as always! Reader is called Jagi sometimes.
SMUT WARNIGS: Kissing, lactation kink, mentions of male masturbation, she gets a bit shy because she didn't shave down there, fingering,cream pie, missionary , after care, lmk if I missed anything .
A/n : small teeny Drabble for y’all , wrote this instead of studying for my exam 😬🧍🏻‍♀️ Tumblr works on reblog system please reblog !! Also a simple “it good or it’s great”can make my entire day 💞This is 400+ followers special enjoy ! ❤️
“Daddy please” Hani pleaded with her doe eyes looking at Jungkook he sighed “No baby I’m sorry”Hani started fussing when he said no “Look baby you already have many dolls?” He said softly picking her up from the ground. His 4-year-old daughter was stubborn just like her mom and wanted the doll “One more won’t hurt Daddy” she said pouting her lips.  
Sighing he gave in and went to buy that for her. Jungkook thought of buying some groceries from the nearby mall when Hani spotted a doll shop, she promised she would only look around but instead, she started fussing when Jungkook wouldn’t let her take one.  
Loading all the groceries into the back of the car Hani was already settled in her car seat “Let’s go home soon and meet Mommy and Chae ” Jungkook said wiggling his eyebrows and starting his car, soft music playing in the car.  
You had to freshen up once again for the second time today, Chae your younger daughter puked out the milk you fed her. She was now asleep in her bed. Bam and you decided to play a bit waiting for your husband and daughter to come, Jungkook texted you he was on the way. Getting up Bam and you went to the kitchen to prepare something while Chae was still asleep.  
You heard the front door unlocking Hani came running to the kitchen “Hi Mommy see I bought a new doll, where is Chae is she asleep again?” Hani bombarded you with questions never really staying to one point “Wow baby, yeah Chae is asleep go wake her yeah sweetie?” You said kissing her cheeks “Hey baby, got something for you” Jungkook handed you some of your favourite chocolates and some fresh white tulips he picked up while on his way back home.
Bam rushed towards both of them wiggling his tail and climbing up in Jungkook's arm . Kissing him you told him to change and get ready to eat dinner.  
Chae was now awake playing with Hani and Bam while Jungkook helped you place the dishes on your dining table. “Hani come here and have your dinner baby” you said placing her favourite plate and spoons. "Yes, Mommy coming " Hani said while standing up while Chae cooed and started crying when Hani came to the dining table, grabbing her from her crib you had your little one in arms. " I'll go and feed bam, start with your dinner Jagi" Jungkook said standing up from his seat. Dinner soon ended with laughs and giggling Hani told me about her new Kindergarten and her friends. 
Both of your daughters knocked up soon while watching some animated movies. Bam was already rested in his kennel, tucking them on the bed you went to change, to sleep soon.  
While changing you stood in front of the mirror and sighed , Jungkook hummed at the site of you sighing "Kook I don't feel confident and pretty about my body anymore " you said slightly embarrassed and tears beaming in your eyes. "What are you saying baby, you look perfect," Jungkook said keeping his phone on the nightstand.
It’s been 4 months since you both had sex, the last time you had sex was when you were eight months pregnant. you've heard Jungkook jerking off in the shower once in a while. "Baby you look so fucking perfect, what makes you think you're not pretty?" he said sitting in front of you and grabbing your shoulders " I don't know kook I have stretch marks all over my stomach and thighs, I have baby fat still in my body," you said tearing up. Jungkook sighed kissing your cheeks " Baby it's serious why didn't you tell me this earlier? " Jungkook was shocked about why you didn’t let him know.
" you've given birth to our child baby, and about stretch marks you should not feel you're not pretty anymore, and some baby fat looks cute on you, you have them in the right spots," Jungkook says now lying over your breasts, laughing through tears you wave him off. Jungkook then kisses your lips slowly which soon turns into a make out session. "You're fine with having sex with me tonight baby?" he asked making sure you were comfortable with it.
Nodding at him he helps you to undress when you get a bit shy under his gaze "Kook I haven’t been shaving down there lately” you say in a slow tone we wave off saying “It’s fine baby” and move down towards your stomach slowly leaving wet kisses on your stretch marks and fat, leaning he is met with the site of your wet pussy.  
Groaning at the site “fuck so wet baby, what got you so worked up?” Jungkook whispered before leaning in to give a soft kiss to your core. Closing your eyes, you let yourself enjoy the pleasure he gave. “Ah ah baby watch me” He tutted “Tell me what you want baby, gonna give you everything you deserve” he added “Want your mouth kook” you said grabbing his hair. “Take what you want to have it your way,” he says softly sucking on your soaked clit “You taste like a fucking candy” Jungkook praises you for being a good girl and how wet you were “fuck so tight baby” curses left your mouth when he fingered you through your orgasm. 
Bawling your eyes out you finally came on his fingers “You gonna take my cock baby?” Jungkook said still unsure “Yeah kook want you in me now,” you said reassuring him “Looks so good waiting for me, glad I knocked you up with my babies” he groaned .
“My sexy baby mama, never gonna make you feel bad about your insecurities they look fucking perfect” his thrusts were getting rough but you both were careful to not make a bit of noise, Jungkook's hand pressed against your mouth to keep you from your moaning getting louder. His hands massaged your breasts and a few bits of milk oozing out of them made his lactation kink awake, sucking on them he moans at the sweet taste.  
“Fuck Jagi I’m gonna fucking come” Arrays of curses left your mouth, and slopping noises of your wet pussy made him cum faster than he even though “fuck kook so messy” you chuckle feeling the slick drip down to your ass. Laughing he settles his head on your neck whispering sweet things in your ear and occasionally biting on them. He backs away and brings in a towel to clean you up.  
You both cuddle up against each other wearing some cloths because Hani has a habit of barging in your room at early morning. Jungkook went to check up on both of them kissing their cheeks and closing the door. The baby monitor helps you when Chae cries in middle of night thankfully she was asleep.  
Whispering I love You's Sleep soon overcome you both.  
Taglist : @kimmingyuswifee , @jungk97kwife , @olimpiiaa , @ellesalazar , @hopeonysus , @diorh0seokie , @yvonnexojeon , @diamondjeon , @kookswifesblog , @talyaaas-blog , @jk-hoe97 , @jeoninknown , @dna-black-and-blue
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ur-fav-inactive-writer · 1 month ago
𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝, 𝐄𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐏𝐢𝐠
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Dad!Bucky Barnes x Mom!Reader
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: Bucky’s little angel is obsessed with Peppa. Bucky hates it.
𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: This is entirely based off me and my cousin who’s 3 years old obsessed with Peppa and I just thought about Bucky having a little girl who’s obsessed with it. I personally love this and have never written for Bucky, but i hope you all love it too 🫶
The show starts with the same annoying, cheery tune that Bucky is subjected to every day at 7 o’ clock on the dot .
“I’m Peppa Pig!” That stupid snorting sound. “This is my little brother, George!” Again. That stupid snorting sound. “This is Mummy Pig!” He really fucking hated that snorting sound. “And this is Daddy Pig!” He hated that one even more. He also hated how Becca would mimic it and just walk around and at random times of the day, start snorting like an animal. You were amused. Bucky? not so much.
Becca was currently sat on her Daddy’s lap on the couch. It was wind-down time for her. She was in her little Peppa Pig pyjamas, fed, happy but most importantly to her: deprived of that stupid English pig. No words could describe Becky’s hatred of that pig. He hated her. However, it was the only thing that would keep Becca still and not bored for half an hour before bed.
Becca was transfixed on the screen. Her eyes were literally glued to it. If Peppa Pig was on, or just ‘Pig’ as she called it, nobody could get through to her. You’d have to turn it off to get a word through her head, though it usually warranted a tantrum if the show was paused for even a moment.
Bucky really hated that stupid pig. It had a stupid name. It was a stupid animal. It was a stupid show. And his angel was obsessed with it. It was getting to the point Beccas accent was turning slightly English because she liked sounding like Peppa. Peppa was rude and annoying and Bucky didn’t think she taught him anything good.
“Doll, it calls it’s Dad fat. How is that even allowed now?!” was usually a sentence he’d find himself saying to you when he was trying to cut off Becca from her Peppa. “I thought this generation was sensitive about this stuff now. In my day? Sure, there was worse. But how do they get away with it now?!” You’d always just shake your head and continue letting your daughter watch Peppa. “We didn’t have any cartoon pig crap back then…” He grumbles under his breath. “We actually read books..”
Bucky felt like he was genuinely losing his mind. He felt like that pig haunted him. He genuinely nearly passed out when Becca came up to him, poked his stomach and giggled ‘Fat.’ He didn’t even know what to say. Obviously, being the adult, he had to have the conversation about how it wasn’t okay and all that, but he was just so stunned by that. The little bitch. Daddy was not fat.
Becca was still sat on his lap, transfixed on Peppa. Bucky huffs, practically glaring at the TV and shaking his head every 2 seconds. You walk in with two little Peppa biscuits on a Peppa plate and hand it to Becca before sitting down next to Bucky. She begins munching on the little biscuits, her eyes still fixed on the television. Peppa practically ran his house now. The cupboards were littered with her face, filled with all sorts of Peppa branded sweets and snacks for your little girl.
You glance over at him, smirking at the obvious disdain for the farm animal on his television. Throughout the episodes, you can practically see him seething silently as he holds Becca on his lap. Eventually after around 6 episodes of Peppa, it’s Beccas bedtime. You reach for the remote, clicking the ‘home’ button and therefore cutting off your daughter from Peppa Pig.
Before the tears even start, Bucky stands right up from the couch and goes up the stairs, heading for your daughters bedroom. She goes to protest but Bucky hushes her. He opens her bedroom door, practically shaking with irritation as he remembers your daughters bedroom decor.
Peppa blankets. Peppa pillows. Peppa toys. Peppa wallpaper. Peppa everything. He feels like everywhere he looks is Peppa. He pulls back her blankets, placing her down softly and running the tip of his metal finger down the bridge of her nose as he hushes her. Surprisingly, she actually stays quiet and doesn’t fuss, nuzzling into her comfy bed and smushing her chubby cheek against the pillow. You lean against the doorway with a soft smile.
“Daddy..?” She mumbled softly in that sweet little voice of hers that Bucky could spend all day listening to. “Yes, Babydoll?” He says softly. “Story…” She mumbles back, Bucky smiles softly. This was more like it. This was what he did back in his day before all of this TV and Ipad nonsense. “What story do you want, babydoll?” She hums sleepily and murmurs, “I wan’ the story ‘bout Peppa….” You stifle a laugh in the doorway. Bucky’s jaw clenches, sighing. He picks up her Peppa book and reads it to her until she’s fast asleep.
He puts the book back onto her bookshelf and pushes her hair back from her face as she dozes. How he loved his babydoll. He stands up to tuck her in, you coming up behind him and resting your forehead against his back.
“Mhm..?” “
“We’re redecorating.”
bonus scene
Then, of course, of. fucking. course, her 5th birthday was Peppa themed. The little cartoon pig honestly gave Bucky more nightmares than his Winter Soldier days. Her face was absolutely everywhere.
She was on the plates, the napkins, the cups, the balloons, the tablecloths. Bucky looked almost out of place, a face like a slapped-arse while all Beccas friends ran around giggling and bouncing on the bouncy castle - which also had that stupid things face on it.
Sam stood next to him, snickering at his disdain for a children’s TV show and it’s protagonist. It comes time for presents and Becca picks one up. It’s got somewhat wonky wrapping and a big pink bow on it, labelled with her name on it as well as ‘Uncle Sam’ beneath her name with a small heart. She tears off the wrapping paper.
Bucky was literally going insane. It was a little play set with all these little Peppa Pig toys, almost taunting Bucky. He can’t help but glare at Sam, almost crushing his stupid little Peppa Pig cup in his metal hand. Well, the cup was kind of Peppa. He’d grabbed a marker and scribbled all over her face on the cup when he’d filled it earlier on in the party. Admittedly, he received a few strange looks from others parents when he did that. It was almost comical, the way he hated this pig.
As soon as Becca, her friends and the rest of the adults are watching them play another children’s game, Bucky walks up to the gift table stealthily. He grabs the little box containing all the figures, the plastic on the front of the box almost crushing in his fingers from the pure resentment he feels towards that pig. He goes outside, claiming he was just grabbing something for the party from the car. He shoved that box so far into the dumpster behind the venue that someone would think he was hiding a body.
Sam follows him, snickering. He didn’t care if Sam saw him. Hell, he wanted Sam to see him shoving the stupid gift he bought for his daughter into the trash.
“You owe me 20 bucks, man.”
“Fuck off, big bird. You’re encouraging this.”
He just wasn’t so aware that you were standing behind him and Sam with a questioning and somewhat concerned expression.
“I fucking hate that pig.”
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mydarlingclaudia · 13 days ago
apocilypse…… simon…… fem!reader…… @vaaaaaiolet I am also going to write more of this I just had to get this out of my system first
wc : 781 · · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Simon always wakes up before you.
He’s a deep sleeper, he slept lighter when he was on deployment, but those days are in the past, either way, you’re a much deeper sleeper than he is.
But the first thing he does when he wakes up is press two fingers to the pulse point in your neck.
You sleep a foot or two away from him in a sleeping bag on the dirt floor, he normally wakes you up after he throws something together to eat, you greet him with the same thankful grumble and sleepy smile. He’s far from home and you’re the only person he has, you could leave if you wanted to, he could do the same, but you follow each other through each valley and mountain chain.
Simon found you a year after the end of everything, well, more like you found him. It had been somewhere in either Wyoming or Utah, but he had stepped in a deep hole some animal had dug, not having seen it, and apparently the shout he let out when he twisted his ankle had found its way to your ears. He had bristled when you walked out of the overgrown brush, expecting you to try and rob him since he was down and had dropped his knife a few feet away, but you had helped him up and dragged him over to your small camp.
He stayed with you for a week, eating the fish you cooked and silently eyeing you, trying to figure you out without ever asking. As soon as his ankle healed, he left. For almost a week he headed north, pushing himself harder to get away from you.
But you found him. Again.
It was another mistake, but it was one you made this time.
Fire spreads fast in dry, open fields.
You hadn’t meant to do it, the fire you had made had gotten too big and there was nothing you could do to try and contain it. So you packed up your things and ran down to the river.
Simon thought you were following him when the crunching rocks under your feet made you known in the night, the knife to your throat was supposed to make it clear he didn’t care for strangers.
But when you explained that you didn’t know he had been hiding out here and that you were just trying to get away from the fire you started, his grip loosened and his knife found its way back into its sheath. He could smell the smoke and the dirt on you, he figured he owed you one, anyway.
So he let you stay, neither of you slept; he was scared you’d try to steal from him (even though most of him knew you wouldn’t), you wanted to stay awake because you knew the fire would get closer by the hour.
The two of you hiked up the mountain in the morning, figuring you’d keep heading north, you could see the smoke and burnt up earth from the summit.
That was two years ago, you and Simon have found other people along the road, but there wasn’t any kind of connection with them. That and neither of you really trusted others. It would be a small brush of your pinky against his to let him know you were uncomfortable or him crowding around you when others were around, something silent to say it’s time to go.
The world ended when people started dropping like flies, it wasn’t a sickness, they just died and there were too many fingers pointing at so many different things that everything just shut down before hell broke loose. Simon was only in America because Price said he needed a vacation and jokingly suggested Vegas, Simon decided to go just for the fun of it.
You’re everything he has now, he makes sure you’re extra bundled up in the winter, makes sure you eat enough, tries to keep you entertained, tries to do the harder work for you, anything you want, he does it. He always thought he’d be a shitty husband, given his job, but with you, with nothing else to worry about except for keeping you fed, he’s not half bad.
He’s had too many nightmares where he ends up alone, he can’t go back to that. Even before the end, even when he was still in England living his life, he was still alone. The last thing he needs is for you to die in the night and bury you alone.
So when he presses his fingers to your neck and feels the soft thump of your pulse, it’s already a good day to him.
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nelkcats · 2 years ago
A Little bird told me
Danny knew his dimension didn't need him. It had been a long time since it stopped needing him, a long time since he had to be content to spend most of his days in the Infinite Realms. His sister and friends were too busy these days to pay attention to him; Danny understood, it's not like he could work or have a job, considering he'd stopped growing at 21 and people would start asking questions eventually.
Honestly, it was a relief that he'd even been able to grow up to that age, Clockwork's knowing look told him he had help with it.
So, he distracted himself by learning things from the other ghosts in the Realms, who were definitely as bored as he was. He even managed to get Vlad to teach him duplication, but it wasn't that interesting after a while. Though he had become interested in the different dimensions that Clockwork watched over.
The problem was that there was one dimension that had caught his attention (one full of heroes and magic) but they always made the worst decisions. There came a point where he decided to interfere, Clockwork seemed amused so he figured he wasn't going to stop him.
As he thought about how to infiltrate (definitely not as a hero, he loved his retirement, thank you very much), he remembered a rather...odd power he had recently discovered.
Danny had discovered that he could shapeshift. The problem was that he could only shapeshift into dead animals and well, while it was fun to scare others, he didn't know how well people would take a ghost crow with ectoplasm coming out of it's wounds.
Figuring it was better than nothing, he transformed into a bird and flew through the portal; he flew towards John Constantine, who seemed fed up with his life. Constantine knew the bird was fucking weird the moment it sit on his shoulders but he had better things to take care of, like the demon in front of him.
Said bird apparently knew the way to defeat the demon, because he started naming the ingredients needed to banish it. Constantine saw it with narrowed eyes and asked if he wanted his soul, the bird pecked him, looking annoyed.
From there, seeing that the dead bird was doing no harm, Constantine let it stay. It was oddly useful and he had sold his soul for less.
Danny spent his days whispering things to Constantine to defeat enemies and the hellbazer gave him cookies in return (the halfa really wanted to be offended), when the League saw Constantine with a dead crow on his shoulder they wondered if he had finally lost his mind.
John commented that his name was Ghosty (he was pecked again) and that he was useful, unfortunately for the superhero community, Constantine had never been that useful and therefore they couldn't complain (but why did he suddenly know all the existing gossip?, he kept bribing them with it! His crow looked amused too).
Every time Constantine won a battle without explanation, someone would make the mistake of asking how he did it. With a shit-eating grin, Constantine would point to his shoulder and say "a little bird told me."
Danny was so tempted to shape-shift just to bite his head off, but the cookies were good.
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peggyao3 · 4 months ago
Pt. 30 - Weight Gain
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A/N: Today's prompt as per @nocturn-warrior's suggestion <3
TAGS: she/her AFAB FMC, slight humiliation, feeling self-conscious, misunderstandings, surprisingly fluffy
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"They've fed you well on Caladan, haven't they?"
She stops dead in her tracks, struck by the lightning that Feyd-Rautha's words have sent crashing into her heart where a tender anticipation to reconcile with her husband had recently begun to nestle.
They had desperately needed the break. A marriage founded in hate and tears is bound to crash into a wall, if not for a number of carefully laid out emergency rip cords. Feyd had been furious to see her go, but he knew he'd lose her entirely if he didn't.
And so, she was gone. For five months. She would never admit how much she had missed him during that time. Especially during the last month of her voluntary, temporary exile, the messages they had exchanged had been almost… sweet. 
Yet here he stands, posture straight and tall, head tilted to the side, lips quirked into a smile, taunting her. She turns away from him frostily.
"I won't let you humiliate me anymore, husband. I'm better than this."
She doesn't come far. With two graceful steps, Feyd-Rautha is behind her and the scent of leather and metal assaults her nostrils. One corded arm is slung around her waist, hand sprawled across the soft flesh of her belly. She hisses in displeasure, feeling terribly exposed from just a touch. His strong fingers dig into the squishy meat around her navel and it fires up her self-consciousness to a near unbearable level.
"Let go of me," she demands but her voice is thin and her throat unexpectedly tight. It disgusts her that she might start crying in front of him, because of him. He should be the last person to shed a single tear for. "I thought I was looking forward to seeing you again, but I was wrong."
"You misunderstand me, wife." With his voice lowered to a grating purr that makes the fine hair in the nape of her neck stand on end, Feyd-Rautha's lips tickle the shell of her ear. His second arm joins the manacle his first one has created around her waist and he tugs her firmly backwards. The soft globes of her ass meet the sharp edges of his pelvis and it hurts her heart even more to admit how much she's missed to be held like that.
"I think I understood you quite well," she bites, refusing to meet his hooded, smoldering eyes even when he holds his face right beside hers.
"Did you?" His voice is low, sensual in a way that seems wholly unfit for his demeaning observation when he had entered her chambers.
"I know I've gained weight. There's no need to point it out."
Feyd-Rautha cages her against all the hard planes of his body where she is soft — softer than she was five months ago, softer than she's used to. She didn't mind it so much on Caladan. But here on Giedi Prime, where every guard, every worker, every servant is cut out of raw tendons and muscles, it makes her feel almost decadent and even more like an animal to be gawked at. A curiosity from a foreign planet, with hair on her head and now more curves on her hips than anyone here could approve of.
"I was making you a compliment."
"Then your way of making compliments is as savage as your bladework."
A muscle in Feyd's jaw tics at the insult wrapped in a compliment. "You didn't mention it in your letters. Why not?"
She huffs, pretending and failing to be unbothered by his wandering hands that squeeze the flesh over her ribs and hips as if to test the new, squishy quality of his wife's body, mapping out all the places to grab once he has her bent over the bed and is pounding into her relentlessly.
"The concubines you had before me were all thin."
"And I was nervous to see you again," she admits. "I didn't think you'd like me that way."
"You insult me, woman," he snaps with a sudden harshness that has a hot shiver rolling to the base of her spine.  "Do you think me not capable of handling a heavier woman?" His teeth are glinting black while he pierces her with glaring eyes, ignited by the challenge she didn't even mean to give him. "Look at me."
His wife obeys.
"I didn't mean to insult you." She swallows, quite aware of the throbbing hardness pressing into the softness of her behind. Her fingers tentatively curl around Feyd-Rautha's strong forearm and his corded muscles ripple under the tender touch. "I suppose I just feel… inadequate."
"Undress," he rasps with unmistakable command. "And show me." 
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@nostalgichoya, @forgedfromthestars, @sweetiee-o, @missbingu, @minedofmoria
@sebastianswallows, @charmingballoon, @flower-frog, @welliah, @aoi-targaryen
@coastalcowgirl35, @esolean, @szapizzapanda, @tatertooted, @sunny747
@ughdontbeboring, @meetmeatyourworst, @gravesdiggergirl
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little-star-library · 6 months ago
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Headcanons: Little things that would make Astarion fall harder for you
The way that you ultimately decided to trust him after he fed from you for the first time was shocking to him because no one else has ever done that before, let alone standing up for him when your other traveling companions were wary and suspicious of him from the beginning; and rightfully so in his opinion. But you were there as a peacemaker not only for him, but for everyone because you were all in this mess together and you vowed to help everyone however you could.
How you were so willing to offer him your blood as opposed to him hunting other animals and creatures for the majority of his diet was a true blessing to him, even if he won’t outright admit it at first. You knew of his past and couldn’t begin to imagine how awful it must have been to be living off of what little blood he could get from eating rats and you wanted him to have a more pleasant and palatable experience while feeding, especially when it came to life-barren areas such as the Shadow Cursed Lands and the Underdark where living creatures were scarce.
Over time as you traveled together, you would notice that Astarion always seemed to have a book in hand and reading in his spare time. And because of this, you would try your best to find other books and dusty old tomes during your exploits and do your best to sneak them into his tent when he wasn’t looking. It didn’t take him very long to figure out who the culprit was since you were “beyond helpless” when it came to being stealthy, but it brought a spark of joy within him every time he found a new book lying upon his bedroll, secretly being elated to see what new books you’ve found for him.
He’s not really sure when this started to happen, but any time you would make eye contact with him across the way while in camp, you would stop whatever you were occupied with and cheekily wave hello at him with a big grin on your face. He thought it was childish at first, but he eventually returned the action and wave back because he found you to be too adorable to ignore if you chose to give him that sort of attention. And ever since then, it’s become a regular occurrence for the two of you to share that funny little moment and wave at each other like the goofballs you are.
Upon learning that Astarion doesn’t have a reflection, your offer to be his mirror and described how you saw him not just physically, but how you saw him as his own person with his own personality and sense of humor and little quirks was both illuminating and disturbing to say the least. He hasn’t been able to see his own face in over two hundred years and yet you somehow find a way to describe his facial features so perfectly and he’s never felt more seen than in that moment.
And if you were inclined to be “artistically gifted”, you would no doubt be able to draw his portrait as a little gift. He was completely awestruck by your craftsmanship in the small drawing that you tore out of your sketchbook, not totally convinced in your words when you said it was a portrait of him. You told him that it was just a sketch and nothing that special, but to him it was the most thoughtful thing anyone could ever give him so that he could look upon his face once again.
When you defended Astarion for his bodily autonomy while being confronted by Araj was when he realized that there were good people in the world and he was grateful to have found one as genuine and kindhearted as you. He’s never had any say over what happened in his life since becoming a vampire and to have someone by his side to protect him helped him immensely in realizing that he is his own person and has free reign in the choices he makes.
It may not have been such a big impact to others, but when you hugged him for the first time after he confessed his feelings toward you, Astarion couldn’t recall the last time someone held him within their arms without eluding to some form of sexual intimacy and from then on he couldn’t get enough of it. He enjoys basking in the warmth of your embrace and breathing in your scent and you let him hold you for as long as he wants, when secretly neither one of you ever want to let go and each hug seems to be prolonged even further than the last.
When there’s a pause from the chaotic turmoil in your travels, you and Astarion like to steal away from camp and watch the sunset and gossip about the other companions and their silly antics with a couple of bottles of wine in tow, sharing stories and making each other laugh all through the night.
Anytime that you come across any chests while scavenging for goods, you both have a habit of putting up a bet to see who can pick the locks the fastest and whoever wins gets first dibs on anything shiny or valuable. He knows that he’s obviously more experienced with thieves’ tools and could easily run you for your money, but “out of the goodness of his undead heart”, he’ll slow down on purpose sometimes just so he can see the smile you give him when you show off your winnings.
Astarion takes full advantage of any opportunity you offer to cuddle with him. Because of his past encounters with other people, he’s never had the chance to put any effort into getting closer to anyone other than his usual encounters and he thought there really was no reason to anyway given the fact that he already knew how most of those encounters ended. But with you, it was simply just for the sake of cuddling with each other without being led on to something more sexual in nature. It was a breath of fresh air to experience something so different, but also a little confusing to him. However, when he would lay his head atop your chest and snuggle close to you and listen to the resounding beating of your heart in the comfort of your arms while you comb your fingers through his hair, time stands still so the two of you can escape the world for just a moment and he melts on the inside; unequivocally content to just let his guard down and know that he was safe with you.
Whenever you kiss him, it’s simply just for a kiss. There’s no hidden agenda behind every one you give him unless he wanted something more and you’re more than happy to go at his pace whenever he’s ready, but he’ll never turn you down when you ask if you can kiss him. Sometimes they’re sweet and affectionate and other times they’re full of love and longing. But his favorites are when you kiss him on the cheek and boop his nose, giving him a wink before continuing your journey on the road; or when you smother his face in kisses all over until he turns into a giggling mess and pushes you off in a playful manner. He’ll never outright admit that he enjoys being given that sort of affection in front of the others, but you know he does anyways.
Two words: back rubs. He’s never felt comfortable with someone touching his back due to the marred scars that are engraved across his skin, but once he trusts you enough he reluctantly accepts your request to give him a back rub and massage his sore muscles after a long day of running around and fighting any enemies that came across your path. Your touch is ever so gentle and soft as you work out the annoying kinks and he turns to putty in your hands, occasionally letting out little sighs and moans when you hit a tender spot that just feels so good when you knead at the tense sinew of his back, almost to the point where he begins purring like a cat and leaning into your touch.
You know that Astarion tends to favor the finer things in life since he hasn’t had much to begin with under Cazador’s reign, so you took it upon yourself to look out for anything he might like. It started out small with rings you’d find on a corpse or a fancy bottle of wine that was stowed away in the tavern of the Shadow Cursed Lands. But then you would go out of your way to take him to a tailor’s shop with all of the extra gold you had stored away for special occasions and let him try on anything that took to his liking, putting on a little fashion show just for you so you could shower him with compliments.
He may have thought it to be irritating at first, but he loves when you tell him all your little jokes and puns so you could cheer him up when he was in a sour mood. He especially enjoys your irreverent impressions of Gale with his long-winded monologues and hand puppets orchestrating the never ending bickering between Shadowheart and Lae’zel behind their backs and it’s difficult to keep himself from keeling over with laughter so he doesn’t give you away.
When you’re being overly flirtatious and sharing cheesy pick up lines with each other. He finds it hilarious when the others groan in unison at your sickly affections you dote on him and it only encourages him to keep playing along.
When you reassure him that you want to be with him for more than just his body and his looks. He’s spent more than enough time with people who only used him for a one night stand and he’s grown self-conscious about actually being in a relationship with someone because he’s never experienced it. He thinks that you deserve someone who can give you more than just a quick fling since that’s all he knows, but you don’t mind telling him why you chose to be with him whenever he has doubts about himself and that there’s no pressure to have sex until he’s ready or not at all, that you’re willing to help him with whatever he needs so he can be just as happy to be with himself as you are to be with him.
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sleepyangelkami · 1 year ago
Hi, I was thinking Vi x Reader. Where Reader is half human and half vampire and she hasn’t drink blood in weeks now and she is crazy starving. When Vi came back home from work she didn’t see her girlfriend in the living room but found her in their shared room facing back to her. Vi slowly walk to her but Reader flinched and not turning towards her. Reader explained why she is not turning towards her but Vi wants her to drink blood from her but Reader refuse because she might think that she will hurt Vi. Vi told her it is okay and Reader made a decision by letting her drink blood from Vi.
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 ☆ WORD COUNT - 1.5K
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 ☆ SUMMARY - vampire!reader hasn't been able to drink blood in what felt like forever. luckily for her, vi's there with open arms and an outstretched wrist. in fear of hurting her, you decline the offer but you and her both know you won't be able to refuse her much longer.
 ☆ WARNINGS - blood, vampire themes, def inaccurate description of vampires, petnames, use of y/n, use of good girl, thumb sucking?, sorta suggestive, intended lower case, nothing i write is ever proofread 🩷
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your throat was dry and your head was pounding. you lay curled up in your bed, the blinds shut and your hands pressed against your face. you tried to shut everything out, block out the loud yells in your head. you were hungry, so very hungry.
but you were also sure that your girlfriend would be home soon.
piltover had put up the walls between zaun and piltover but jayce assured you that the walls wouldn't last long after seeing the worry written across your face. why? he wasn't sure. then again, neither did he deem it his business to ask. but with the walls being up between zaun and piltover, you had no way of getting into the woods. the place you went to when you were hungry.
you were a vampire, yes, had been for many years now, would be for the rest of eternity.
but you didn't feed on humans, no, you wouldn't even dream of it. despite your monster-like qualities, you vowed to be nothing like a monster. you didn't want to be the type of tale that scared kids, the type that their older siblings read before bed, just trying to get them riled up. you fed from animals, in the woods where no one would see you. and only one knew of your secret.
the same girl that was opening your front door.
"hey, cupcake." vi was walking through the door, tiredness evident in her voice. she found herself in your guys' shared bedroom as quick as lightning. ever since you'd moved out from your parents house, everything seemed so much smaller but with vi by your side, the world seemed to be filled with endless opportunities.
you didn't respond, but vi wasn't too concerned yet.
the curtains had been drawn, only she assumed that was due to the fact it was currently night and not the fact that your brain was in scrambles from when the sunlight was peeking through. she'd been working for a while now, helping out some kiramman girl with something she needed help on. she needed insight on the very city of zaun, the one vi had grown up in her entire life. so naturally, she didn't mind helping the girl. the one thing she didn't like? leaving you for so long.
you felt outstretched arms wrap around your torso, her head falling into your shoulder. only now, had you realised she'd been talking the past five minutes. "y'listening?" and your silence served as an answer enough. "hey, what's wrong, baby? you're being quiet." when she turned you around she could see your tear-stained under eyes and your pale complexion. "hey, what's wrong?"
you could see the worry coating her eyes and it made you impossible more guilty. "doesn't matter." but she could see by the under eye bags and your teased hair that it did matter.
"you're shaking." she commented, taking you into her arms with worry. at first, she would have assumed that you were sick. her hand placed itself on your forehead, feeling for any temperature. you were merely cold. "oh, is this a... you know, vamp thing?" you suddenly felt very embarrassed. "hey, hey, i'm not judging, you know that." her hands soothed down your arms, sitting up and pulling you with her. "i jus' wanna know what's wrong so i can help you."
"y'can't help." you spoke, looking away and not reaching her eyes.
but she wasn't having any of that. her fingers drew your chin back to her. "we don't know that until we try." she attempted at coaxing you. "jus' tell me wh's the matter?"
"the walls." your mumble caused her ears to perk under her bubblegum hair. "can't go into the woods."
"oh, baby." she frowned suddenly, realising she hadn't thought of that at all. "I was so wrapped up in working with caitlyn, i completely forgot."
but before you could even assure her that it was okay, your hands were pushing at her. "v-vi." trying to get away. with confused eyes, her hands followed you, pressing against your upper arms. "vi, please don't touch me." suddenly feeling tears spring in your eyes.
the girls brows were pinched together. "why not?" before contorting to a look that told you she understood what you had meant now. "oh."
"vi, please." but she didn't let go. you didn't want to loose control, but you were starving. you needed to eat before you ended up killing yourself but for the first time in all of your life, you'd truly been tempted. you'd been tempted to feed off a human but that wasn't you, you wouldn't hurt somebody. you wouldn't kill somebody. but with the hunger that you felt then, you were sure that if you started, you wouldn't be able to stop.
vi's hands were on you, her eyes searching yours even as you tried to back away. but vi was keen, she didn't let you move. her hands held an iron grip on you, sapphire eyes boring into your own. "feed off me."
your eyes went wide as saucers, whipping your head towards her so fast you were sure you'd gotten whiplash. "what?" is the only word that fell from your lips, your brows now pinched together and your hands shaking impossibly more. what she was asking you to do, it wasn't just dangerous, it was suicidal.
but her hands didn't stop soothing up and down your arms, she didn't even seem afraid of you. she should be, she really should be. even you were afraid of yourself. "you're in pain." she noted by the way your face had contorted from the minute she stepped into the room. with her being here, it would only be harder to control your urges and she didn't want you to have to do that. "let me help you, sweet girl."
but you didn't feel anything alike 'sweet' in that given moment. you glanced up at her, doey eyes coated with a glossy cover of tears. "vi, 'm really hungry." a whole whimper falling from your lips. "i can't―I wouldn't be able to stop― I don' wanna hurt you." but god, were you tempted.
"hey." her fingers brushing up and down your arms so gently. "everythings gonna be okay, cupcake, y'just gotta let go, 'kay?" she was reaching her arm up towards you, your eyes impossibly wide. "jus' let go for me, angel."
but you couldn't. you wouldn't. but her wrist lay in front of you, pumping. and you suddenly felt dizzy. "vi." you whimpered, the first tear falling down your doll-like cheek.
"'s okay." she cooed, soothing you. "'s okay just let me help you." she watched as your gaze turned back to her wrist, head feeling all floaty like and your eyes a little hazy. "jus' wanna help you." but even she was beginning to feel light headed, and you hadn't even began. sure, she wanted to help you and she'd do that a thousand times over, only a tiny feeling at the bottom of her stomach was laced with fear. then she remembered who was standing in front of her. her sweet and lovely y/n, you'd do no wrong, you wouldn't hurt her. even if you fed from her. "bottoms up." she mumbled.
she watched as your face contorted lightly, almost in pain as your mouth opened, fangs seeping out from your teeth. you whimpered gently as vi guided her wrist towards your mouth. hesitantly, you looked at her to which she nodded. in your starvation? more than enough for you. you gently sunk your teeth into her skin.
vi inhaled, squeezing in a breath as a light pain trickled around her body. but she didn't scream or yell about. that was the thing about vi, pain tolerance like no other. her free hand came down to your head, pressing against the crown of your hair. "that's a good girl." she spoke, gently stroking your hair. "see? you're okay."
but your mind wasn't focusing on her words, they were merely entering one ear and getting tossed out the next. your teeth were impaled in her skin, the blood filling your mouth. your eyes shut, a little noise of relief leaving your lips. your hands moved to press her wrist closer against your mouth. it tasted so good.
almost instantly, you felt the colour return to your face, the eye bags wash away as relief pumped through your veins.
you never drank human blood but this wasn't just any human, it was vi. and it tasted better than any animal you'd ever seen, you were sure it'd taste better than any human, too.
you could have drank the blood until her body run dry. but you couldn't. in fear of hurting her, you took your mouth away from her wrist, pulling away as your eyes flickered back up to hers, checking for any sign of regret.
you were blinking harshly, trying to let the blood set in after not drinking in weeks. while your body was swaying gently, vi was still ever so still. her eyes were a little hazy as her lips curved upwards. her thumb came down to meet your mouth, gently smearing the blood that had been on it around your bottom lip. she tapped your cheek causing you to part your mouth. instantly, she stuck her blood-covered thumb between your lips.
you whimpered softly against the skin, your eyes fluttering shut. "'s a good girl." she mumbled. "so good."
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main masterlist/vi's masterlist
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loveharlow · 11 months ago
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PAIRING ‧₊˚ JJ Maybank x Fem!Reader
SYNOPSIS‧₊˚[3k] Two weeks since John B and Sarah have been gone and the pogues decide it's time for a proper memorial to say goodbye, but an impulsive gesture leaves two of the four remaining pogues heads spinning.
WARNING(S)‧₊˚ swearing, mentions of death, unestablished relationship/unrequited love (Pope x Kiara), mentions of child abuse/neglect, general angst
A/N‧₊˚ This is where things get a little tricky. Also, tumblr decided to kick me out of my mf account so thats why this is like 2 days late instead of one, I DID NOT LIE TO YALL😭 and sorry if this chapter moves a little fast
˗ˏˋ series masterlist ˎˊ˗
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“RISE AND SHINE, BLONDIE.” You whispered in the sleeping boy’s ear. JJ immediately slapped a harsh palm over his ear, effectively slapping himself and waking himself up, groaning in pain as you stood by giggling. 
“Fuck you.” He mumbled, wiping the sleep from his eyes as he sat up, Marley emerging next to him from under the covers. You tilted your head at the dog, scoffing.
“You do know that is my dog, right?” You asked, raising an eyebrow at a sleepy-eyed JJ who simply looked at the animal over his shoulder before turning back to you and shrugging with a sly smile on his face.
“Not anymore. Her real owner gives her bacon and she loves it.” He retorted, throwing an arm over Marley and pulling her into his side as he rubbed the top of her head. “Ain’t that right, girl?”
You rolled your eyes, your bare feet patting against the hardwood floors of The Chateau as you left the room, calling over your shoulder. “Then her real owner can clean up the aftermath when she vomits it out because she refuses to chew.” You reprimanded playfully, sliding your slippers onto your feet that were sat by the front door. “I’m gonna clean up a bit. Pope and Kie should be here soon. And I bought more cereal, it’s above the fridge.” You called out before going out onto the porch, letting the door shut behind you, the screen rattling. 
Today marked two weeks since John B and Sarah disappeared.
Pope and Kiara had finally made time in their schedules to do a proper send off. Not that you blamed them — Kiara’s parents wanted her as far away from the pogues as possible, with you being a semi-exception. They’d swamped her with work after school at The Wreck, working from the time school ended until the street lights came on. The weekends were no different, with the addition of taking the car away, only allowing her to drive it on the weekdays to and from school.
Heyward had Pope doing grocery run after grocery run, as well catching some of the seafood supply himself. Pope didn’t mind though, he was working on repairing his relationship with his parents after everything that happened. Things seemed to be looking up, Heyward didn’t scowl when you all came around anymore and his mother started to greet you all again. They were easing up on the restrictions, too — allowing Pope to drive the car again and be out past ten.
You and JJ had been managing — he was taking small, odd jobs here and there. Mowing lawns, fixing cars just to keep the lights on and the water running. You did what you could — sneaking into your house, only once or twice, to take some necessities and things to sell. You’d managed to pawn off a good chunk of your mother’s jewelry and some things you didn’t need anymore. It was enough to keep you both fed and clean.
Life was starting to seem okay again. It didn’t seem like there was such a large storm cloud over you and your friends anymore. Now, you just all felt an emptiness when you were together, which was probably why you weren’t together as much anymore.
School was…well, school. You and JJ hadn’t been since it happened. No adults to force you to go, right? Pope and Kie had been a few times, but their parents allowed them some time to themselves occasionally. 
Despite everything, today was the first day you all would be hanging out as a full group again. The Chateau always looked a mess but admittedly, you and JJ hadn’t been helping the place to look any better. The porch was littered with beer bottles, soda cans, snack wrappers. Things that had been piling up from your late night talks. 
Grabbing a plastic bag, you started gathering all of the trash and throwing it inside, the space already looking better.
“SO, HOW ARE WE DOING THIS EXACTLY?” Kiara asked, hands in her pockets as she stood in front of the big tree, next to Pope. The sun was starting to set, casting a low, orange hue over the backyard.
She and Pope had arrived not too long ago, the gathering not being as lively as it used to be. Less smiles, less laughs. There was small talk and a few jokes here and there but it just seemed so forced, as if no one wanted to say “let’s just get this over with”.
The group had been divided, although none of you would admit it aloud. It seemed as if Pope and Kiara did their thing, while you and JJ did yours. 
“We could just carve it. Might take a while, though…” Pope pitched, rubbing his hands over the top of his head and shifting his weight. 
“I mean, we got all day.” JJ shrugged simply, adjusting the baseball cap on his head. “I say we carve this baby up.” He shrugged, hiking up the toolbox in his hand, the metal objects inside rattling, and walking to the forefront of the group. You walked up beside him, looking up with your hands in your back pockets. “Care to do the honors?” He smiled down at you, flicking out a pocket knife in your direction.
Taking the object from his hand, you faced the large, loud live oak tree and began carving the initials of your fallen friend into the wood.
THREE HOURS AND TWO BEERS LATER AND THE TREE WAS CARVED AND BRANDED. A tan-colored, heart-shaped splotch in the center.
2003   2020
After you’d finished carving, JJ had done the honors of engraving the words with a heated piece of metal, burning the words forever into the oak. The four of you raised a beer to John B, hoping that he could feel you wherever he was.
You’d branched off afterwards, something that never happened before but you’d grown accustomed to the odd dynamic between the group now. You all tried your hardest to ignore it or remedy it but it was useless. 
Pope was sitting on a log, staring at the fire JJ had started. JJ was swinging in the hammock as you made your way over to Kiara, who was sitting on the steps of The Chateau.
“Hey. You alright?” You asked, sitting down next to the girl as she took a sip of her beer, humming in response.
“As alright as I can be, I guess.” She replied almost despondently. You were all grieving in your own ways but something about Kiara’s grief didn’t seem like grief. It was like she was dealing with some other conflicting emotions on top of it all. “You and JJ have been keeping this place up, huh? I can actually see wood on the floor.” She joked lightly.
You chuckled in response. “Yeah... yeah, we’re trying. The place is one kick away from collapsing but it’s a home, nonetheless.”
“Have you been home? Since…” You nodded your head at the girl’s question, staring down at your sneakers.
“...Once or twice just to steal some shit to pawn off. I don’t really care for anything in that house anymore. Or anyone…” Kiara simply drew her lips into a thin line, nodding silently with no clue as to how to continue the conversation. So, you took the initiative for her. “How’ve you been? With your parents? Pope?”
She just grimaced and shrugged, playing with the rim of the open beer bottle. “They’re... going, I suppose. My parents don’t even know I’m here right now. If they did…” She trailed off, scoffing. “And Pope, I don’t know. He’s sweet, he’s just not…” She trailed off once again, but this time it was like she knew what she wanted to say but it was almost as if she couldn’t. Wouldn’t. She seemed weary, hesitant — eyes fleeting between your own and the blades of grass beneath her feet. “Whatever. Forget it. Me and Pope are figuring it out, I guess. I’m trying to give it a chance.”
“That’s good.” You smiled smally, nodding absentmindedly. “If it helps, he really does like you. So, even if you two don’t work out, just let him down easy. He’s our friend and a really good guy.” She simply nodded, taking another swig of her beverage and looking out into the distance. Suddenly, she was standing from the steps, hands on her knees.
“I’m gonna go get another beer...” She sighed before walking back inside.
Maybe you were reading too much into it but Kiara’s grief was seeming more like a cold shoulder...
“YOU WARM ENOUGH, POPE?” You inquired, sitting next to the boy on the log, him shooting you a small smile before returning his gaze to the flames in front of him. The fire casting an amber glow over his skin, making his eyes seem browner, almost softer. 
“Yeah, a little too hot.” He chuckled lightly, leaning back further onto the wooden seat, placing his hands behind him for support. “...I meant to ask, is JJ okay? Like, actually?” He asked with a bit of hesitance, eyeing the blonde swaying calmly on the hammock. You followed his sights, spotting JJ swaying lowly before turning back to Pope.
“He’s…doing better than I expected. But that goes for all of us, I suppose.” You offered honestly. “Why’d you ask?” You questioned, to which Pope shrugged one shoulder before replying.
“I know John B was a really big part of his life. If I was as close as those two, I don’t know how I’d feel. I know we haven’t been around much, Kie and I, but he just seems…too calm.” You didn’t know how to tell Pope that JJ was far from fine. That you’d hear him crying at night, muffled as he tried to wake you not knowing that you couldn’t sleep knowing he was outside the door crying and you couldn’t do anything to comfort him.
You’d tried asking him about it yourself. He simply acted like he didn’t know what you were talking about and you weren't one to push him. Not now, at least.
“He’s handling it all in his own way.” You reassured with mild uncertainty. “But I’ll keep an eye on him. How are you, though?”
The boy drew his lips into a thin line, tilting his head to the side in thought before shrugging and looking out at the fire in front of him. “I…don’t know.” He struggled out, almost as if he wasn’t completely sure of the words but also unsure if he was truly unsure. His brown eyes met yours, slightly glassed over with frustrated tears. “I really just don’t know.”
You gave him a pitiful smile before scooting closer and throwing your arm over his shoulders. The two of you sat in warm, content silence. In all your time of knowing Pope, he was never either fully closed off or openly emotional. He was the definition of a ticking time bomb — bottling everything up until he reached a certain breaking point. But this time, you’d figured he’d had all the meltdowns he could. 
AS YOU APPROACHED THE HAMMOCK, another figure became clear next to JJ’s — Marley curled up in a sleeping ball of fur next to the blonde. You chuckled under your breath at the sight, nudging the swing with your knee to prompt JJ to open his eyes. The boy peeked one eye open before the other, eyes fleeting the yard at Pope and Kiara’s frames talking at the bonfire before returning to yours. 
You took a seat on the grass in front of the hammock, looking up at JJ as he made the small effort to turn on his side to look down at you without disturbing the peaceful animal beside him. 
“Done being the group therapist?” He yawned, pushing the blonde locs of hair out of his face. You simply shrugged, rubbing a hand across your forehead. 
“Yeah, my office is closed.” You sighed, leaning back on your palms — small pebbles and mulch chips digging into them but you were too tired to care. “But you know I’m always willing to listen for you.” You said playfully, shooting the blonde a wink. He giggled in response, leaning forward in the hammock with one hand clutching it for support.
“You promised no pushing.” He mumbled sleepily.
“I’m not pushing.” You assured, throwing your hands up in surrender. “I’m just... politely suggesting that you open up to your best friend, is all.” You shrugged nonchalantly, pretending to pick at your nails. 
“Right...how about we do a little switch-a-roo then, hm?” He threw out, shifting around once more in the hammock, eyes piercing yours. “How have you been? With everything. Bree, your mom…” He trailed off, eyes never leaving yours even though you avoided eye contact the moment he started listing issues. “I mean, The Chateau is nothing compared to your beachfront palace in Kooklandia. You gotta miss it sometimes. You’re telling me you never think about goin' home?”
You snarled, shrugging off his statement. “This is my home.” You declared, drifting your eyes upwards to connect with his, the amber glow of the bonfire making his eyes appear more green-toned than blue. “I never wanted to move to Figure Eight in the first place. I didn’t care about the ocean view or the fact that our living room and kitchen didn’t have to be one room anymore.” You explained, drawing shapes into the dirt. “I feel safe here.” You muttered. “I feel safer with you guys...”
He simply hummed and nodded in agreement. “I get that.” He sighed. “I feel the same about my house. I don’t really care that all my shit is there and that I have to sneak back and forth to get what I need. My dad… he makes me hate that house. And I hate myself for being able to hate the house because of him but not being able to hate him.”
“He’s your dad, though. It’s understandable. You feel like you should love him no matter what.”
“...Do you hate your mom?” You paused your drawing in the dirt to peer up at JJ through your lashes, his eyes wide and wondering. The question caused you to feel a way you’d never felt before. It was such a loaded question and even with everything that happened, you figured the answer should be easy but...it wasn’t. Saying that you hated your mother felt like venom on your tongue. Even if you knew you had every right to say that you did.
“No.” You sighed, tucking your hair behind your ears. “But, it’s like, I don’t love her either. I just…don’t recognize her anymore. In my eyes, she’s not my mother. But in my heart, she is and always will be. And I hate that.”
The two of you fell into silence after that, the only sound being cicadas and crickets. You directed your gaze up to the sky, counting the stars and silently acknowledging constellations while JJ kicked one leg out to swing the hammock gently as he stared up as well.
You figured the conversation ended there. It was getting late and you’d scored a babysitting gig for tomorrow that was paying good money. So, you figured heading to bed now was ideal because being late wasn't. You sighed, hands slapping your knees as you stood up with a groan, stretching as JJ’s eyes drifted to your frame.
“Well, I think my social battery has officially died.” You yawned, stepping closer to the blonde to ruffle his fluffy head of hair. “Night, blond-” You didn’t get the chance to finish your sentence before JJ’s hand was wrapping itself around your wrist, pulling you down until your faces were just centimeters apart, him taking the opportunity to connect your lips with his, placing his free hand on the nape of your neck.
Your eyes went impossibly wide as the blonde pressed his lips to yours firmly, his eyes closed blissfully. A normal, friendly reaction would be to push him away, to say that you shouldn’t be doing this. But the way he was kissing you..
It was like he’d been waiting his whole life to do it.
From the way his fingers dug into your skin to the amount of force he was using to hold you in place.
Something in you suddenly relaxed, allowing you to close your own eyes and move your lips to kiss him back. Your lips moved in perfect sync with his for the moment. But you figured it would be nothing but. This was JJ, your best friend. He knew you like the back of his-
Oh. Oh, God. You were kissing your best friend. You were kissing JJ. 
You pulled back so fast you nearly stumbled over your own feet, head whipping around in panic to find Kie and Pope still engulfed in their own conversation before turning back to the starstruck blonde in front you. His hair was messy and his lips were swollen with a deep shade of red blooming within the lower one. His own blue eyes were wide but you didn’t know for what reason. 
You just looked at each other with an unknown expression. Terror? Confusion?
Neither of you said anything, just stared at each other, panting in panic. Your heart was beating wildly out of your chest prompting you to adjust the neckline of your top away from your throat, the material suddenly feeling constricting.
You didn’t know what else to do so you did the only thing you could do.
Swallowing harshly and touching your aching, wet lips, you swiftly walked off in the direction of The Chateau. The last thing you heard was JJ call out your name one, heart aching time before the door of The Chateau closed behind you.
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next chapter>
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